Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Don't you hate it when you can relate to people you don't really like all that much. I do. I can fully relate to Miley Cyrus now. Oh Joy. She has a new book coming out call Miles to go and in it she describes being severely bullied in Middle school and even mentions the kids having an "Anti- Miley" club. Here is where I relate to her. We were ALL bullied at some point in our childhood. Weather it be elementary school, middle school or high school. We all have had SOME bad experience with bullying.... yes, even you bullies! Anyway. My experience was throughout most of my elementary school years. In first grade, people made fun of me because I was the ONLY girl with a boy as a friend. infact, he was my only friend...... at the time. Second grade, I didn't have any friends that really stand out....... but no one really bullied me either. Third grade, I had a few more friends..... no real bullying...... forth grade was one of in not the WORST year. I had two friends. Count em.... 1....2. Two friends. Mimi Romerez or something and Jenny Chang. Jenny was my best friend. She was kinda bitchy but totally cool. Every Friday, some time between lunch and the end of recess, we would get into a fight. She would tell me she hated me and that she never wanted to be my friend which of course hurt my feelings and made me cry... and then during our extra recess she would disappear and I would be alone on the swings or sitting alone under the roofed top of the spiral slide. Then come Monday, she would start talking to me like nothing ever happened. This would confuse the bloody hell outta me as you can imagine, but hey a friend is a friend right. This continued for a while and and every week she would diss and ditch me and Monday we'd be cool, but then I got sick of it. On that Friday, I found her on the play ground at our extra recess. She was heading under the big slide where a group of girls were waiting and I stopped her and I said, "You know, if you don't want to be my friend, fine! But I am tired of this crap where you are my friend all week and then Friday comes along and you hate me and Monday you don't. It is fair and I don't even want to be your friend anymore!!!!!" (I swear that was like big time smack talk in the 4th grade). Sh of course played it cool and said "Fine" and marched off under the slide to meet the girls and I went off and played on my own feeling pretty proud of myself. She called me later that night and apologized for everything and told me what was going on. She told me that the reason that she was doing this every Friday, was because the group of girls under the slide was not just a group of girls under the slide. They were the principal members of the "I hate Katie F Club"! Everyweek, they would meet under the slide and talk shit about me and Jenny had found out about it and fought with me every week just so they would think she didn't like me. She would sit in on the meetings and see what they were saying about me. And they woul say the stupid things like I was fat, and ugly and smelly.... blah blah blah. Anyway, when I found that out, I was livid! But I was glad that I at least had a friend on the inside that was looking out for me...... so yeah I think that was my worst bully story...... yeah. All I know is, when I have kids of my own, if someone wants to bully them, I am gonna make sure the are equiped with better combacks than " I know you are but what am I" and "I'm rubber you're glue what ever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!"

1 comment:

  1. dude...i was the SHIT in elementary middle and still am in high school!!!! what now!!!!
