A) Get a Better Job:
I am currently a Groomer and kennel attendant at a kennel that I absolutely hate!!! I have been there for three years now and I just now asked for a raise that I may or may not get. Even though I KNOW I deserve it. I have applied for job after job and gone on countless interviews and nothing has come out of it.
B) Lose Weight:
I have been overweight all my life. It is nothing new to me. I am just getting fed up with it. I am always in pain or tired and I really hate looking in the mirror and seeing the countless fat rolls that are my back and mid section. I have not gained weight this year, (Thank God) but I have not lost any either. Well actually that is a lie. I have fluctuated between 407 and 414 for the past year and a half. I just need to make myself do the work. Unfortunately, I am always extremely tired and SERIOUSLY lacking the motivation to look ridiculous while working out... even in my own living room.
C) Go On A Date:)
I am 26 (almost 27) and I have never had a boyfriend! All of my friends are married or in relationships or at least have HAD a relationship. I don't even know what that feels like. I don't even remember what it feels like to be asked out. I have been asked out be for and have gone on dates, but that was in HS. Yeah. I am that pathetic. And people wonder why I am so down on myself all the time. I am pretty, I know I am, but refer to Goal B as to why guys don't like me. Not the guys I like anyway.
So as a result of my lack of accomplishment this year, I have decided that I am SICK of being so pathetic. I am starting a weight loss plan that hopefully my Mom and sis will join in on because it would just be easier with a buddy or two and I will be starting Paul Mitchell School this coming February. Obviously, sitting back and hoping God makes things happen for me is just not working, so I need to take it upon myself to make things happen for me! And they will.
My current weight, as of 20 minutes ago is 411 Pounds. Hey! Don't judge! I actually lost 3 pounds! I would like to lose 10 pounds a month and hopefully by the time my 10 year HS reunion rolls around, I won't look like a beached whale! BTW, That is only okay when I say it! So assuming my reunion is in the Spring of 2014, that gives me 18 months to lose weight. If I stick to my plans, that will put me at 231 Pounds. I think that is pretty reasonable. I will be updating this blog every month with my progress.
Wish me luck!!!!